Graphic Design
PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Department of Art and Design helps students to develop their artistic and intellectual potential, explore new areas, and discover career opportunities. Drake offers both intensive experiences in art and a solid liberal arts education. Students are immersed in a professional art and design environment, where they can develop comprehensive technical skills and achieve formal and conceptual abilities in preparation for a rewarding visual arts career.
The graphic design program prepares graduates to work as professionals. Graduates have mastered a broad range of conceptual, formal, and technical skills that allow them to plan and execute the design of visual communications creatively and responsibly. This is achieved through the study of fine art, craftsmanship, and design theory coupled with practical design experiences. The program allows students to develop personally fulfilling approaches to design by focusing on critical thinking and process-oriented design explorations. Students have 24-hour access to advanced computer graphic labs. Advanced students have the opportunity to work in professional internships.
FACULTY The Department of Art and Design includes 10 full-time faculty; all hold the highest degrees in their field and are practicing designers, artists, and scholars. All full-time graphic design faculty are engaged in teaching classes from the introductory to advanced levels. Faculty are accessible, and classes are taught in comprehensive studio environments.
ACADEMIC PREPARATION Students are not required to prepare a presentation of their work to be admitted to the graphic design program. However, in order to be eligible for merit scholarships offered by the Department of Art and Design, students must submit an application and portfolio of digital images of their work. An online scholarship application form is available on the Department of Art and Design Web site.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Graphic Design: The B.A. degree allows the student to major in graphic design within the context of a liberal arts curriculum. This degree allows the student considerable flexibility in developing a course of study, as it can accommodate a double major or dual-degree programs. Number of credit hours required: 52
Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) in Graphic Design: The B.F.A. in Graphic Design is a specialized four-year undergraduate program
,which prepares students specifically in the common body of knowledge and skills required for graphic design careers. It is a professional degree with the majority of credits dedicated to design or design-related course work. Through advising, faculty direct students to general studies that support their studies in design such as mass communication, writing, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and business. At the end of the junior year, B.F.A. students take part in B.F.A. reviews with the full-time faculty of the department. At the end of the senior year, B.F.A. students have the option of participation in a senior exhibition. Number of credit hours required: 85
REQUIREMENTS FOR MAJOR All students entering the major (B.A. and B.F.A.) must first complete the department’s foundation courses. This program of courses, completed in the first year, emphasizes fundamental skills in art history, drawing, and 2D and 3D design. Students majoring in graphic design have the unique opportunity to minor in a traditional studio area and studio majors may also minor in graphic design. The Capstone experience, Art 191, involves the development of a presentation and online portfolio as well as a stationery system and necessary business communication documents.
DRAKE CURRICULUM The Drake Curriculum, required of all undergraduates, is designed to help students meet personal and professional goals as they acquire fundamental knowledge and abilities in ten Areas of Inquiry, including communication, critical thinking, artistic experience, historical consciousness, information and technology literacy, international and multicultural experiences, scientific and quantitative literacy, values and ethics, and engaged citizenship. Students work closely with their academic advisers to craft a program of study in general education that prepares students for civic and professional leadership.
The Drake Curriculum also requires a First Year Seminar, which foster development of critical thinking and written and oral communication skills through a topical focus, and a Senior Capstone in which students demonstrate the capacity to bring information, skills, and ideas to bear on one project.
INTERNSHIPS & OPPORTUNITIES Advanced students have the opportunity to work in professional internships. Many nonprofit organizations and businesses in Des Moines, Iowa's capital, value Drake design majors as high-quality candidates for part-time positions. Design majors are in high demand for producing works for campus organizations, publications, and events. Past graphic design internships include positions at Heredity Corporation; KN Integer; Design Matters; Two Rivers Marketing, Lexicon Consulting; Hallmark in Balsas City; The Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago; Patch in New York; Population services International in Washington, D.C.; and Principal Global Investors.
Drake provides students with many opportunities to engage in art and design outside the classroom. The Department of Art and Design holds exhibitions of work by students, faculty, and invited artists during the school year, including the annual juried Student Art Exhibition.
Facilities in the Argon Fine Arts Center include the 3,500-square-foot Anderson Gallery. Providing 1,800 square feet of exhibition space, rooms for handling and storing works of art, and a reception lobby, the Anderson Gallery is an exciting showcase for work by visiting artists, students, and faculty. Annual assistantships are available through the gallery, providing students with unique opportunities for hands-on experience in gallery management. Students also have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with exhibiting artists from around the country. The Anderson Gallery is a visible and vital member of the Des Moines art community, attracting local and national visitors.
Adjacent to the Anderson Gallery is the Weeks Gallery, providing an additional 1,000 square feet of exhibition space. The Weeks Gallery is exclusively reserved for student exhibitions, from senior thesis shows to group shows by the student-led art club VAAD. Nationally and internationally recognized artists and other visual arts professionals come to campus each year to give lectures and workshops. In addition, field trips allow students to observe major collections and exhibitions in such cities as Minneapolis, Chicago, and Kansas City. Drake students also take advantage of the exhibitions and lectures offered by the Des Moines Art Center, which is internationally recognized for its collection of 20th century works of art.
CAREER OPTIONS Advertising design, book design, consulting, environmental graphics design, freelance design, front-end design, greeting card design, identity design, in-house design, illustration, information architecture, information design, magazine design, mobile app design, motion design, newspaper design, package design, print design, publication design, production, strategy, user interface design, type design, web design
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES Students benefit from activities with local and national professional organizations, such as AIGA Iowa (the state chapter of the national professional association for design) and ADAI (the Art Directors Association of Iowa).
- Jessica Sokol, Associate Art Director, Prevention Magazine, New York
- Stephanie Cosgrove, Art Director at Hamilton Communications, Chicago
- Betsy Holmes, Senior Marketing Designer at Playdom, San Francisco
- Caitlin Masson, Designer at WaveQ, Portland, Ore.
- Tazneem Galely, Designer at Day Six Creative, Dallas
- Andy Cusack, Creative Art Director at The Integer Group, Des Moines
- Kevin Fitzgerald, Art Director at the Thought Disctrict, Lincoln, Neb.
- Suzanne Pfutzenreuter, Designer at Emeriprise Financial, Minneapolis
- Nate Lewis, Designer/Illustrator, Hallmark Cards, Kansas City, Mo.
- Andy Gugel, Principal and Design Director, 32 Round, Minneapolis
- Thomas Dahl, Experience Design group at Slalom, Chicago, IL
- Rebecca Lysen, Art Director, Phear Creative, New York
- The Department of Art and Design is accredited by the National Association of Art and Design (NASAD).
- Students can apply for the Judy Smith Memorial Award to support their capstone experience.