Anthropology Minor

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Anthropology is the scientific and humanistic study of humanity in all times and places. The minor in anthropology at Drake focuses on cultural anthropology, which explores human beliefs and behaviors cross-culturally and historically. As such, it presents a global perspective on the varieties of human experience. At its root, cultural anthropology strives to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange. The minor in anthropology at Drake provides students with an opportunity not only to more clearly understand the practices and precepts of others, but also to better understand themselves and their positions in the worlds they inhabit.

REQUIREMENTS FOR MINOR The requirements for the anthropology minor are completion of a minimum of 18 hours of coursework in anthropology to include SCSA002 and an additional 15 hours of coursework. Up to six of the 18 hours of coursework may be from related disciplines or concentrations. Students who wish to take courses from related areas must petition and have the substitution approved by the anthropology adviser. Petitions are available from anthropology and sociology faculty. To receive approval for the minor, a non-anthropology course must offer a cross-cultural, global, and comparative perspective; examine a geographic area, culture, or other subject in a manner amenable to cultural anthropology; or concentrate on or encourage the use of a methodological approach, theoretical framework, or substantive problem that is of historical importance and/or complementary to cultural anthropology. A maximum of nine hours of transfer credit may be applied toward the anthropology minor.
